Ushering God’s Presence

Many a times when we pray,  we have many petitions before The Lord.  It’s kind of give, give prayers or God,  you do the needful – with no reverence of Who You are.  We fail to acknowledged that You are the Creator of the world and we Your created beings.   You knew us better than we do ourselves.   Nothing is hidden from You.  Most of the time we grieved You by our actions and words.

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Soaking in God’s love

How would you start your day in the morning?

Do you rush through the day?

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Pray for Sabah (Malaysia) Earthquake Disaster

Pray for Sabah (Malaysia)On 5 June 2015, an earthquake struck Ranau, Sabah, Malaysia with a magnitude of 6.0 at 7.15am. Tremors were felt in the vicinity.  Reportedly there were about 187 climbers, 18 of which were confirmed killed in this unforeseen catastrophe.

One of the peaks on Mount Kinabalu (Donkey’s Ears) were broken off.  Many buildings and infrastructure were damaged and even the water drainage system in Ranau and Kundasang areas were affected causing water disruption to several places.

One of the mountain guides, named Robbi Sapinggi was killed during the rescue.

A group of teachers and students from the Tanjong Katong Primary School, Singapore, were on an expedition to Mt Kinabalu was involved in this disaster.

We grieved over the loss of lives and mourns with the families, for the lost of their loved ones.



Dear Lord,

We pray for the families who have lost their loved ones – may Your peace be upon them.  Comfort them in this time of sorrow and sadness.

Your healing touch be upon those who are traumatised by the incident, especially the children.  For those who are injured, may they recover from their wounds and troubled minds.

We pray for the Rescuers  – Your hand of protection be upon them against landslides and aftershocks.  May the weather conditions be favourable so that the search and rescue team can make their way safely in search of victims that may be trapped under the boulders, rubbles.

As many people in Ranau and its vicinity are affected by the damaged done, Lord, we pray for Your grace and mercy be upon them.  May clean water be accessible to the people as it has affected their livelihood.

We pray that lives and homes to be rebuilt soon.  Lord, send people to help them in this hour of need.  As many of the children from the Tanjong Katong Primary School are still shaken over the incident – Lord be especially near to them as You know what they are going through.

Just as a Shepherd holds the injured lamb in His arms, likewise dear Lord, hold these precious children in Your arms.  May they find security and protection in Your loving care.

In Jesus name,

we pray




Christmas Greetings

To all my Readers,

Blessed Christmas – Christ is our Peace, Love and Joy.  May you experience the true meaning of Christmas… He came for a purpose to set us free by paying a huge price with His life.

– Hallelujah (Christmas version) with lyrics.


Overcoming the spirit of Fear

A day goes by without we hearing ‘bad news’ and for some,  encountering insurmountable challenges.  Fear may have a grip on us – will my business thrived?   How to safeguard my wealth against thefts?  How to maintain good health and not fall sick?

Whatever our fears may be – we have forgotten the authority God has given to us who believe on Him.  The problems we faced may seem so big, unique and impossible to overcome – the more we speak of it, the bigger it becomes, apparently we fall into the devil’s trap and intimidation.

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“Mighty in the hands of Almighty God”

"Mighty in the hands of Almighty God"

On September 1st 2014, at a Thanksgiving Dinner, we were privileged to hear Dr Benny Prasad gave a beautiful rendition of songs on his special guitar.  Little did we realise he has an amazing story to tell.  He used to suffered from severe asthma and took too much cortisone steroids which led him to developed rheumatoid arthritis.  As a result of this 60% of his lungs were damaged and his life is threaten since his immune system is weak.  By the grace of God he is still alive and is able to travel to so many countries sharing his music and about the God who saved and enables him to do the impossible.

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Water of Life

Water a precious commodity is the most essential ‘ingredient’ in our daily lives not only for our bodies but also in daily usage in the home, industries, etc.Water of Life

Far too often we have taken it for granted since it’s accessible to us, until we faces water shortages due to a dry season.  Continue reading »

Healed in Jesus Name


Healed in Jesus Name

Eddy Yong – in bright orange shirt



Mr Eddy Yong,

Had a personal encounter with The Lord Jesus Christ, saving him from the pits of destruction –  from the world of darkness to God’s marvellous light.  He worships at Glad Tidings Church and serves in The Healing Rooms Ministries International.  God gave him the gift of healing. He and his wife has been ministering to many people and miraculous healing took place in the Name of Jesus.



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Comfort to the bereaved

Comfort to the bereaved

Life on earth is temporary.  Death is inevitable and unpredictable –  It is no respecter of persons, it comes to all walks of life.  Practically everyday we hear either of death tolls resulting from natural catastrophes or sudden death of person we least expected.  Death can occur at the hands of a violent person/s,  prolonged illness or even through accidents.  The sudden loss of a loved one can be devastating.  The grief –  death brings can leave a person/family mourning for a long period of time especially if we could have prevented his/her death.

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Soaking in God’s presence

What is soaking in God’s presence?

Its when we come into God’s presence and allow inspirational music or prayers to saturate our thoughts of who GOD is and what HE is to us.

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